Chopin Framework uses blockchain addresses as user identities and authenticates users via digital signatures. This is all managed by Chopin Framework itself—so the developer does not need to think about it.
How it works
HTTP requests emitted from the browser are intercepted by middleware that adds an HTTP header to the request containing the signature of the authenticating user before being sequenced onchain. This signature is then verified by the middleware prior to being forwarded to the destination server. By the time the request hits your backend, the user's address will have been verified and securely added to the x-address
header in the authenticated request.
Authenticating Users
In Next.js apps
Simply install the @chopinframework/next
package and use the getAddress
function to retrieve the user's address on the server side.
In other frameworks
When you are handling the request, extract the value of the x-address
header and use it as the user's address.
Logging in users
With React
To get the address of the logged in user on the client side, you can use the @chopinframework/react
This package provides the useAddress
hook, which returns the address of the logged in user as well as a few other functions.
Without React
Users can be logged in and out by navigating to the /_chopin/login
and /_chopin/logout
pages of your app respectively.
Think of this as a way to generate an address for the user. Before calling this endpoint, the users is unauthenticated. When this endpoint is called, Chopin Framework's embedded wallet system creates an address for the user and stores it in their browser. Third-part wallets like Metamask will be available soon, but currently are not supported.
This works locally and in production. While developing, you can also include ?as=<address>
to login as a specific address. For example, http://localhost:4000/_chopin/login?as=0x123
in conjunction with using chopd
will login as address 0x123
when running locally.
This will store a cookie in the users browser in order to help manage the session.
Making API Calls
By default, Chopin Framework uses cookies to manage the session in the browser. However, if you are not using the browser, you can use a JWT instead.
After logging in by fetching /_chopin/login
, the response will adhere to the following schema:
Take the jwt
and add it to the Authorization
header of all subsequent requests outside of the browser using the Bearer
To be clear, you do not need to do this when you are building a web app. But it can be useful if you are not able to make use of cookies, such as in the case of mobile apps.
User identity
When adding a user to your database, you can use the address as the primary key since it's guaranteed to be unique. For example, if you are using Postgres, you can create tables like this:
Then if you are storing a list of users, you can use the address to identify the user.
And if you have a list of a user's posts, you can use the address to identify the user.
However, it is also acceptable to use a different unique identifier for the user. For example, you could use an autoincremented id or username. You can use email, but since this data is being added to a public blockchain, PII is usually not recommended.
As long as the address is connected to the user, you will be able to utilize the address to identify the user.
Avoiding Passwords
Do not use passwords for authentication, since they are not cryptographically secure. In the future, Chopin apps will have a way to use social login and traditional passwords, but that is not supported at this time.