

This guide is a work in progress. While it is generally accurate, it has not been fully tested.

Before starting this tutorial, be sure to have a Chopin Framework project set up. If you don't have one, follow the Quickstart guide to get started.


In Chopin Framework, tokens are simply defined by your database and backend. There is no need to define a token contract. In this guide, we will present an idea for how you could create a token using Next.js and a PostgreSQL database.

You could use this method to add Points to your app—or to use Chopin Framework for traditional crypto usecases. However, keep in mind this is an technical guide and not legal advice.

Tokens and Balances

You can simply store a token's balance in a table.

    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    decimals INTEGER NOT NULL,
    max_supply INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE balances (
    address VARCHAR(42) NOT NULL REFERENCES users(address),
    token_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES tokens(id),
    balance INTEGER NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (address, token_id)

Or you can extend the user table to include a balance column if there is only one type of token.


Now the logic for how we can create, mint, and transfer tokens can be easily implemented in your backend.

Token Creation

export async function createToken(name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, max_supply: number) {
    await sql`INSERT INTO tokens (name, symbol, decimals, max_supply) VALUES (${name}, ${symbol}, ${decimals}, ${max_supply})`;

We can then create helper functions to get the max supply and total circulating supply.

export async function getMaxSupply(token_id: number) {
    const result = await sql`SELECT max_supply FROM tokens WHERE id = ${token_id}`;
    return result[0].max_supply;
export async function getTotalCirculatingSupply(token_id: number) {
    const result = await sql`SELECT SUM(balance) FROM balances WHERE token_id = ${token_id}`;
    return result[0].sum;

Token Operations

Checking Balances

export async function getBalance(address: string, token_id: number) {
    const result = await sql`SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE address = ${address} AND token_id = ${token_id}`;
    return result[0].balance;


export async function mint(address: string, amount: number, token_id: number) {
    const maxSupply = await getMaxSupply(token_id);
    const currentSupply = await getTotalCirculatingSupply(token_id);
    if (currentSupply + amount > maxSupply) {
        throw new Error('Minting would exceed max supply');
    await sql`INSERT INTO balances (address, token_id, balance) 
        VALUES (${address}, ${token_id}, ${amount}) 
        ON CONFLICT (address, token_id) 
        DO UPDATE SET balance = balances.balance + ${amount}`;


export async function burn(address: string, amount: number, token_id: number) {
    const senderBalance = await getBalance(address, token_id);
    if (!senderBalance.length || senderBalance[0].balance < amount) {
        throw new Error('Insufficient balance');
    await sql`UPDATE balances SET balance = balance - ${amount} WHERE address = ${address} AND token_id = ${token_id}`;


export async function transfer(from: string, to: string, amount: number, token_id: number) {
    const senderBalance = await getBalance(from, token_id);
    if (!senderBalance.length || senderBalance[0].balance < amount) {
        throw new Error('Insufficient balance');
    await sql`UPDATE balances SET balance = balance - ${amount} WHERE address = ${from} AND token_id = ${token_id}`;
    await sql`UPDATE balances SET balance = balance + ${amount} WHERE address = ${to} AND token_id = ${token_id}`;


Now you can control when this is invoked on the frontend by calling these functions in API routes. For example, here is a Next.js route that would allow a user transfer a token.

import { getAddress } from '@chopinframework/next'
import { transfer } from '@/token';
export async function POST(req: Request) {
    const { to, amount, token_id } = await req.json();
    const from = getAddress();
    // Optional: subtract a fee from the sender's balance
    const fee = amount * 0.01; // 1% fee
    const total = amount + fee;
    const senderBalance = await getBalance(from, token_id);
    if (!senderBalance.length || senderBalance[0].balance < total) {
        throw new Error('Insufficient balance including fee');
    await burn(from, fee, token_id);
    await transfer(from, to, amount, token_id);
    return new Response('Token transferred successfully');


Bridging is a work in progress. More information will come soon. It will eventually be possible to transfer tokens from your database to a third-party blockchain—and vice versa.